Course Descriptions

  • Achieving Cultural Competence: Cultural Competence and the Behavioural Health Practitioner

    This interactive training session will focus on understanding the context and role culture plays in the provision of chemical & mental health treatment services, and what the evidence say are promising techniques and methods that can be helpful when providing services to multicultural consumers. The session challenge participants to look introspectively at their own beliefs, values, and behaviors in providing behavioral health services to diverse populations. Self assessment tools include the Cultural Competence Continuum, The Invisible Napsack by Peggy McIntosh, and Ruby Payne’s The Cultural of Poverty Assessment.

    Participants will discuss culture and race in the context of chemical/mental health services. We will identify techniques that can improve service delivery to diverse consumer populations. The group will examine and explore personal beliefs, values, and attitudes that impact clinical relationships, as well as identify critical steps to exploit strengths and overcome weaknesses when working with diverse populations. The 2006 Drug Abuse and Racial Minorities SAMHSA manual, and the Florida Mental Health Institute Center for Children and Family Studies Culturally Competent Services manual will frame this training session.

  • Self-Defeating Habits of Otherwise Brilliant People

    Optimize Your Future | Secure Your Legacy | Pull Together in a World of Change

    “Anna’s message is both timeless and timely. She speaks to the heart of one of the most confounding challenges in business and life…how to create an environment in which people can be at the top of their game.”

    Bill Mills, CEO
    The Executive Group, Inc.

    • Renew Energy, collaboration and optimism
    • Turn self-righteous indignation into a search for solutions
    • Eliminate behaviors that inflame frustration
    • Be hard on the problem, soft on the people
    • Utilize nature’s surprising antidote to stress

    This dynamic workshop will help you learn to protect your efforts and assets from “us versus them” mentalities – especially during rapid change. Master techniques that preempt blame and short-circuit destructive forms of disagreement. These powerful, proven strategies last a lifetime. CEO’s, executives and front-line employees rave about these techniques in their professional and personal lives. Dozens of publications including The New York Times, Harvard Management Update, Oprah Magazine, and MSNBC have published strategies from this seminar.

    At the end of the day you will be able to:

    • Turn resentment into a shared responsibility for the future.
    • Prevent costly conflicts, instead of continuously resolving them.
    • Shift focus off people and personalities to underlying sources of conflict.

    Who Should Attend?Supervisors, managers, team members, and anyone who deals with conflict inside or outside of the workplace.

  • Motivational Interviewing Clinical Skills Training - Level II

    Motivational Interviewing Clinical Skills Training - Level II is based on the work of William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick, and focuses on intermediate level instruction and practice in Motivational Interviewing. This highly requested workshop will help you become more proficient and natural at MI by focusing on complex reflections, better response and elicitation of change talk, practice with timing and testing the waters for commitment/case planning, learning when to step in and out of MI, and more!

  • Motivational Interviewing Clinical Skills Training - Level I

    Motivational Interviewing Clinical Skills Training - Level I is based on the work of William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick, and focuses on the essential principles and techniques of MI. Motivational Interviewing is an Evidence-Based Practice designed to help facilitate and support client change. MI is used in a number of settings, and research demonstrates statistically significant outcomes when using MI with issues of substance abuse, mental health, primary health and more!

  • MITI Coding Training

    This training will introduce participants to the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity Coding System (MITI), version 3.1.1. Using lecture, audiotape and group practice, participants will learn to recognize and categorize common elements of therapist competence in Motivational Interviewing.

  • True Colors - Keys to Personal and Professional Success (1 day)

    For almost three decades, this fun and active course has helped strengthen understanding and communication between individuals and teams in business, schools, organizations and families.

    True Colors programs improve your workplace culture by training all levels of employees, from executives and managers to front line staff, to recognize their greatest strengths and create a more collaborative business environment.

  • Moving On for Female Offenders: Facilitator Training (5 days)

    Women involved in the criminal justice system have different needs than men in learning how to lead a law-abiding life in the community. Movin’On, a cognitive-behavioral program specifically designed for the female offender by Dr.Marilyn VanDieten, provides offenders with resources,support, and opportunity to build on existing strengths and competencies.

  • The Motivational Manager (2 days)

    This dynamic workshop will introduce leaders, managers,and supervisors to effective strategies for motivating others to work at their highest potential.

  • Evidence Based Practices: How Do We Get There?

    Many corrections managers and administrators share a common frustration. They support evidence based practices,and are working to move their organizations in the right directions,but the task seems overwhelming at times.

  • SMART Case Planning

    Case planning is such an important part of evidence-based practices, and yet we have only touched the surface when it comes to our ability to work with clients to create dynamic, useful, efficient and effective case plans. This hands-on workshop will give you an opportunity to understand how to create a solid working alliance with offenders that will lead to a comfortable case planning environment.

  • Motivational Interviewing for the Corrections Professional - II (2 days)

    Motivational Interviewing for the Corrections Professional (MICP), Level II is a two-day, skill-based training designed to provide probation officers, case managers, other corrections professionals, and their supervisors with intermediate level instruction and practice in Motivational Interviewing.

  • Motivational Interviewing for the Corrections Professional - I (2-3 days)

    Motivational Interviewing and strengths-based applications designed specifically for Corrections Practitioners. This course provides probation officers, case managers,and their supervisors with specific instruction and practice in effective approaches and strategies for working with corrections clients.

  • Gender Responsive Probation: Working Effectively with Females in Corrections

    This very timely workshop combines up-to-date information with skill-based training to provide probation officers, other corrections professionals, and their supervisors with a solid foundation for working effectively with the female offender population. You will come away with a detailed understanding of the differences between female and male offenders, an update on the latest research on female offender assessment and case planning, and an opportunity to discuss and practice strategies for decreasing common barriers to female offender compliance and success.